Josh Graffiti

Monday, December 12, 2011

Texture Reflection Questions Part 1

1. The most interesting part of Part 1 of the Texture Project was creating collages of rubbing found around campus. It was both fun and interesting because of the freedom of the task. The types of textures that you rubbed onto the paper and positioning of the rubbings where up to you and how you wanted your paper to look/feel.

2. I feel the most interesting picture I took of texture was the picture of the Turk in the quad. I was intrigrued by the feeling and look of the turf. By laying down, I was able to get a better sense of the texture through all the turf.

3. I believe that my digital collage was the most successful. I think the variations I made to the photos and the tools I used to overlap them resulted in a really good piece. I like the colors formed from overlapping and different shadings. I think I have enough going on in the image to make it interesting and intriguing but not too many photos to where you can't tell what is going on.

4. My favorite collage is my most successful one. As I described above, I am intrigued by the overlapping photos and variations made to them. I used 2 different leafs at the top of the collage. For the background, I mixed together a photo of the ground in the art room and a table in the digital lab. The colors and textures blended well together. I also used a picture of the uneven concrete ground. I faded this image more and overlapped it with other pictures in the collage to create cool colors that I think makes the collage better.

5. Techniques shown by Mr. O will definelty help in the transformation from a 2-D collage to a 3-D collage. Plaster will help a lot to form difficult textures as well as clay. I also need to remember to make the texture backwards in plaster to create the correct image when it is flipped over.

Texture Collages

10 Texture Photos